Wednesday, 6 May 2015

USBkill- Code that turn USB into PC killer


There is another code weapon created for all activists, criminals, activists and whistle blower known as USBkill that save themselves by shutting down the computer before the sensitive information will be examined.
Hephaestos, the programmer who wrote the USBkill script, says « usbkill » is an anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer.

Why you should be using this tool?

The answer is:
  • In case the police or other thugs come busting in (or steal your laptop from you). The police commonly uses a "mouse jiggler" to keep the screensaver and sleep mode from activating.
  • You don't want someone to install backdoors or malware on your computer or to retrieve documents from your computer via USB.
  • You want to improve the security of your (Full Disk Encrypted) home or corporate server (e.g. Your Raspberry).
But users must use full disk encryption, otherwise law enforcement agencies will have their party anyway.
Additionally, you may use a cord to attach a USB key to your wrist. Then insert the key into your computer and start usbkill. If they steal your computer, the USB will be removed and the computer shuts down immediately.
It’s an unfinished work and will be improved by Hephaestos. But, it does work effectively.
See the USBkill code here on GitHub: GitHub Code

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